This notice is to inform you about a breach of PowerSchool security in which Blair Oaks’ current and former student and staff data was improperly accessed as a result. The Blair Oaks School District takes the privacy and security of its employees’ and students’ personal information seriously, and we have tirelessly worked directly with PowerSchool to understand and address this issue. Read the full notice here: https://5il.co/394va.

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!

Due to extreme cold temperatures and potential refreezing Blair Oaks R-II will be closed Thursday, February 20, 2025.

Due to inclement weather Blair Oaks R-II will be closed Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Be safe Falcons.

Blair Oaks R-II will be closed Tuesday, February 18, 2025. AMI day will be utilized. Please look for communication from your building.

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!

Due to inclement weather, Blair Oaks R-II School district will be closed Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The district will exercise an AMI day. Please look for communication from your respected buildings.

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!

We have been informed by Missouri American Water of a water main break that is impacting the area of Blair Oaks R-II. A 48 hour precautionary boil order that went into effect at 2:00 pm today. Please send your student a water bottle tomorrow for school as our water fountains will be off. We will have water on hand also

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!

Due to potential inclement weather Blair Oaks R-II will be closed Friday, January 10, 2025. This will be a snow day. No AMI. Stay safe Falcons

Due to continued poor road conditions Blair Oaks R-II will be closed Thursday, January 9, 2025. Blair Oaks will utilize an AMI day. Please look for communication from your respective buildings and teachers.

Blair Oaks R-II Schools will be closed Wednesday, January 8, 2024 due to poor road conditions surrounding the district along with extreme cold temperatures in the morning. Blair Oaks R-II will have an AMI day on Wednesday.
Maintenance/custodial staff have worked extremely hard dealing with excessive icy conditions.

Blair Oaks R-II will be closed Tuesday, 2025 due to poor road conditions, risk of refreezing and the unsafe condition of our campus due to ice.
Blair Oaks will utilize an AMI day. Please look for communication from your teacher and school. It is important that each student engage in learning opportunities.

Due to inclement weather and hazardous road conditions Blair Oaks R-II School District will be closed Monday, January 6, 2025.

This is a test of the Blair Oaks School District Alert Center mass messaging system to confirm desired contacts are reached in the event of an urgent alert. Contact your school office to make changes to a student's contact records.

This week in Blair Oaks athletics!