Drop-Off & Pick-Up


  • Cars enter through the main entrance from Falcon Lane as indicated by the blue and green arrows in the image below. There will be two lanes of traffic: the left (blue) for families with only BES students, and the right (green) for families with students both in BIS & BES or only BIS students. The main entrance is NOT an exit.

  • If you are dropping a student off at BIS, enter in the right lane to pull directly in front of BIS first to drop off your BIS student. Then advance to BES to drop off a BES student. If you do not have a BES student, exit (left) through the center parking area between BES & BIS as indicated by the green route in the image below.

  • Students may unload all along the sidewalk in front of each building. We discourage waiting to be positioned in front of the school doors to unload as this slows traffic flow. When multiple cars unload simultaneously all down the sidewalk, then advance forward as a group, more students unload at once and traffic flows more smoothly.

  • There will be staff present to direct students as they exit their vehicles.

  • All students report to the gymnasium each morning or enter the cafeteria for breakfast.


  • The main entrance from Falcon Lane will be CLOSED (signs will be posted).

  • Car rider pick-up vehicles will enter via the red arrow route as indicated in the image below (through the gravel lot and line up in groups as indicated on the image below - blue for BES student only families and green for BIS & BES student OR BIS student only families.

  • Two lines are consequently formed with multiple rows according to school destination.

  • When signaled, the lead vehicles in the row closest to the schools (indicated as "1st Lane" in image below) in each group will advance and subsequent rows will follow in order, flowing into each school-specific lane, either to BES or BIS accordingly. See green and blue routes below.

  • A staff member will be located outside with a walkie-talkie and will make contact with the authorized pick-up person in the vehicle, then call for the appropriate student.

  • The staff member will direct both the vehicle and the student to a specific cone or simply direct the student the appropriate vehicle, depending on school.

*All cars should exit either the BES line or the center parking area and to the right, driving around the large gravel parking lot, towards the middle school as indicated by the purple arrows in the images below. Parking lots are NOT authorized loading/unloading zones.

Drop off

Pick Up