Enrollment & Registration

New Student Enrollment and Registration

Whether enrolling/registering a new student at the beginning of the school year or at mid-year, links to each step of the process may be found below.

For families who plan to enroll a new student at the beginning of the year, New Student Enrollment/Registration takes place in early August each year. As dates are finalized, they are calendarized on the district events page. Each school indicates their respective registration dates on their event pages as well. You may simply gather the accompanying documents outlined in Step 2 below and bring them to New Student Registration.

For families who enroll a new student mid-year, follow the steps as linked below.

Enrollment/Registration Process:

Applicable Resources:

*Academics, Athletics, Students & Families, and Programs & Services tabs across the top of this page offer a wealth of additional information.

Returning Student Registration

Returning students are already enrolled but enrollment review and class registration takes place on Returning Student Registration Day(s) in early August each year. Families receive a digital message with details on registration day. In addition, a hard copy district newsletter outlining returning student registration is sent to families before August. As dates are finalized, they are calendarized on the district events page. Each school indicates their respective registration dates as well.