Title I Services
Title I Frequently Asked Questions
What is Title I and what services does it provide?
Title I is a federally funded program that provides schools with extra resources in order to provide small group instruction in the area of reading to students who indicate a weakness in those areas. Currently Blair Oaks offers additional reading services.
What criterion was used to determine eligibility and
What does that mean for my child?
We are required to use multiple criterion to determine who is eligible to receive services. The benchmark assessments are school-wide and will be completed three times yearly for kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade. Additional monitoring will be conducted intermittently with students who still need to met the grade-level targets. Each grade level is a little bit different due to the student's age.
K – aimsweb Plus benchmark, classroom observation, and i-Ready Diagnostic
1 - aimsweb Plus benchmark, classroom observation, previous title services, and i-Ready Reading Diagnostic
2 - aimsweb Plus benchmark, classroom observation, previous title services, and i-Ready Reading Diagnostic
Once data has been gathered, a list of students eligible for services is compiled, and students with the highest needs will be eligible for Title I reading services. If your child is eligible, you will receive a letter indicating they have been selected to receive additional reading services through the Title I Program.
Will my child receive services all year?
Services will be provided depending on student needs. It could be after a few weeks (especially in the lower elementary grades) that sufficient progress has been made and the child will be released from services. Some students may be successful with the extra support; however when the support is lessened they may start to slip back. Services will be provided until sufficient progress has been made or until the parent requests that the child no longer receive services.
Do I have to agree to allow my child to receive Title I services?
Parents have the right to accept or refuse services for their child.
What will happen if I refuse services and change my mind later?
Each child will be participating in small group instruction according to their need with their classroom teacher or Title I personnel if they are eligible. There are limited number of spots available to receive Title I services, so only those students who are of the highest need will receive services. If you decide later that you would like for your child to participate, they will go on a waiting list.
Title I Resource
Parent Involvement Plan